Annuity Solutions

Several variations of annuities can provide good solutions in various personal financial and retirement planning scenarios. Two key reasons people seek out annuities are (1) tax deferred accumulation and (2) guaranteed lifetime income streams. With the continuing reduction of employers offering guaranteed pension for retirees, many are turning to annuities to provide the sought after guarantees.

There are multiple considerations to purchasing the right type of annuity product to match your unique needs. At Eslick Financial, more than 35 years of experience working with annuities will be a valuable resource to you. We can provide a Learning Environment for you to better understand the options for your particular situation.

For additional insights on annuities and a summary of the products available, read the article on Case Design Insight—Annuity Basics and Types of Annuity Contracts.

If you would like to learn more, we can show you how.