Goal-Based Planning

We recognize that families use their wealth in different ways, whether it is your annual lifestyle needs, funding a college education, purchasing a second home, funding retirement, or philanthropy. Your life goals will be the foundation of our goals-based planning process.

We will start by taking a very personalized approach to identifying your life goals. By developing a customized timeline for achieving each goal, we can match your goals with appropriate investments. We recognize there are certain goals that represent “wants,” while others can be characterized as “needs.” We will help you prioritize your objectives in a way that will align your customized investment strategy with your lifestyle and goals.

After identifying and analyzing your goals, capital and investments will be allocated based upon the character of each goal. This customized approach to goals-based planning provides clarity and commitment to a long-term investment strategy regardless of short-term market changes. Our experience shows that goals-based planning:

  • Builds confidence in customized strategies that are aligned with family goals
  • Increases understanding of risk exposure
  • Provides perspective and discipline during market volatility
  • Enhances success of achieving desired goals

Sophisticated, yet simple in its delivery, our investment process is driven by an investment philosophy based on these beliefs:

  • Market prices are the best estimate of current value
  • Risk and return are related
  • Investors should be compensated for risk

While asset class investing strategies are appropriate for most situations, there are instances in which active management is appropriate. When that is the case, we believe access to elite managers is critical. At the same time, we seek to minimize tax and investment management expenses to achieve cost-effective access to market return. Where possible, institutionally priced products are used to leverage economies of scale.

Once your plan is in place, we will regularly meet with you to review your goals and adjust your target allocation to accommodate any changes. We will also monitor your portfolio to determine whether actual investment experience requires rebalancing to your target portfolio.